Saturday 16 July 2011

A word of welcome

Written by: H.O. de Jonge
  Edited by: Dewald Bezuidenhout

If there has ever been something we all can agree on, it would be the fact that everyday life is
extremely taxing on our souls and spirits. The strenuous existence we as human beings have created
for ourselves seems to be getting the better of us all, and if we do not find coping mechanisms to
handle this existence we have carved out for ourselves, life will continue to attenuate our fighting
spirit until we no longer have the will to stand and fight. This at least was my experience with life
as we know it, and thus I went in search of my coping mechanism. I found exactly what it was I
have been looking for in writing, the simple pleasure of letting all these chaotic thoughts in my
mind created by day to day living bleed out through the pen onto paper(Or should I say fingers to
keyboard). Now this was an unexpected discovery I must admit, for you see I have always been in
love with reading but never even contemplated to start to writing myself because of my atrocious
spelling. Spelling just seems to be the one skill that has completely eluded me but I finally found
solace in the words of one of the greatest writers of all time “I don’t give a damn for a man that
can only spell a word one way.” Mark Twain. In these words I found the courage to start writing
and I found I enjoyed it immensely, the first time my soul bled out onto that page I felt the joy of a
child again and I even learned a few things about myself I never knew. Now after a few short years
of writing I am finally ready to share my chaotic mind with the world spelling errors and all. I have
embarked on writing a novel that has gotten praise from all those few eyes I have deemed worthy
to read and have impressed a many more with my abstract view of life. Now I wish to share these
views and thoughts with all who are willing to listen. This blog will not be about one singular topic or
theme but about everything that clutters the storm in my skull. Random thoughts and my views on
a particular book or movie perhaps a guest or two will be asked to write a piece in the future. This
blog is basically is a view at the world from a very different angle, an angle I hope some will agree
with. If for some reason you don’t agree, don’t be silent. Make yourselves heard. And to those who
find my writing inspiring perhaps I invite you to add me on Facebook and twitter where more indebt
conversations can be held. This is just the beginning of what I hope to be a very successful venture
into the minds of all who are willing to listen.

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