Tuesday 19 July 2011

Concept Of Genius

Written by: H.O. de Jonge
  Edited by: Dewald Bezuidenhout

There seems to be a very controversial take on the concept of genius and what actually qualifies a
person for the title of genius. This is a term that has become harder and harder to qualify for over
the years. When we speak of people who were absolutely genius in the past the same names always
crop up in our minds. Albert Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton, very brilliant men to be sure but these
are not the template for genius. If you had to achieve greatness equal to these men we would never
again see any more brilliant men in our time for what they did to contribute to the scientific world.
Everything that is worth discovering has already been done to such an extent that everything we
discover now will pale in comparison. No matter what you do gravity can only be discovered once I
am afraid.
But the standards the ignorant set for the brilliant are not my main concern with today’s people.
What irks me most is the concept that there is only one type of genius, and if you do not aspire to

these criteria you do not qualify. So many people view themselves as fools and idiots because of
these everyday criteria for genius. Was Mozart any less of a genius than Einstein? Was Aristotle a
fool compared to Newton? No they were equally brilliant only in a very different way. Just because
a person is not a human calculator does not mean they are fools or any less of a person. We restrict
the title of genius to those with the highest IQ and not the quality of what they do. It is very simple.
Call a man a genius and he will strive to prove you right as often as possible. Call him a fool and he
will prove you right every time.
We as humans have extraordinary potential, and it is truly my honest believe that there is no person
out there who does not have an inner genius hiding inside. Everyone has the potential for greatness,
very few of us will excel in the same things or at the same rate but we all have the potential to
at least compete for the position of the very best at something. The sad truth about life is that
unfortunately there will always be one person out there who will out do and outperform you. This
can be seen throughout the lifespan of the earth, from ancient Greek mythology with its recurring
theme of the father being over thrown by the son to entire governments being toppled by one rebel
leader with a purpose. We are all capable of greatness. All that is required of us is to stretch out and
grab it, but greatness has always come with a warning attached. He who wants greatness needs to
be sure they are ready to give up all resemblance of a normal life.
So remember dear readers that you have a genius inside you! No matter what anyone else says or
what any test seems to indicate. You have it within yourself. Just go out there and find what makes
you go beyond and stand out of the crowd.

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