Tuesday 7 February 2012

A dedication to a smile

There are certain things in this world you will all no doughtily agree with me that just cannot be satisfactory explained through words or truly be caught on film. Certain moments you just need to experience for yourself. They are most often fleeting in their existence and if we blink we might spend the rest of our lives wondering whether or not what we saw was real. More often than not these splendid moments of magic are so amazing they could be edged in your mind for all eternity yet you will still wonder at their existence. Glorious seconds of pure heaven that seem to speak to something deeper in your soul, something more primal and forgotten by our kind it seems. But this part of us stirs a bit every time when confronted with this majesty. It finds its birth in the simplest of things, like the perfect petals of a flower or the astonishing smile of a beautiful girl.

A smile that that for that fleeting second removes all doubt from your mind that there can be some higher deity out there, because nothing so majestic could come into existence without the hand of God shaping it. For that second in time there is no world outside that moment, there is no enemy powerful enough to conquer you and no hope of failure. It is simply what is described by the ancient Greeks as a muse. A goddess of inspiration that opens the mind to feelings and emotions it never knew it could experience. Feeling that make you feel invincible, like you could move mountains if that was what is required of you to glimpse that smile one more time.  Its addictive beauty is enough to drive a man to the edges of insanity to chase down that smile every single day of his life and find joy in it every time. It never grows old and never pails in beauty; for it is the closest thing this world has ever created to perfect.

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