Tuesday 7 February 2012

Life is a chess game

Life is a challenging opponent and probably the most difficult puzzle we will be expected to solve. But this is easier said than done you will no doubt agree with me. Challenge after challenge will come and we will either shy away from them or meat them head on. Of those we meet some will defeat us but others we will master. I am known for my analogy that life is like an eternal chess game. A tactical dance with an unknown enemy whoĆ¢€™s face we can never see. Time after time he will place us in positions where all seems lost, where there seems to be no hope for success. But as we might lose our pawn we will gain a queen. This is life, ups and downs with moments where all seems lost but others where success seems inevitable. The important thing is not to be so caught up with it all that we forget that it is still just a game. And games no matter how tactical are to be enjoyed.
Sure life will have its low moments; this is just normal and human of us. Moments when it seems that the odds are insurmountable, but somehow we always seem to get through them. But I can assure you as frightening as that moment is when all seems lost there is nothing more frightening in this world than that moment when all your dreams seem to be coming true. It is at this point that you realize you now actually have something to lose if you fail and it is too late to turn back. You have already taken the run-up to the edge of the cliff so whether or not you chose to take that leap of faith or not you might fall anyway. But as is always said the greater the risk the greater the reward. There are certain times where we just have to close our eyes and say a quick prayer before we take that leap and hope to the high heavens that we can fly.

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