Monday 25 July 2011

The truth about reality

Written by: H.O. de Jonge
  Editedby: Dewald Bezuidenhout

The truth about reality is that our reality is not always based upon truth.
A shocking statement to make, I know, but one that is true. Now this is not an article that has some
sort of conspiratorial theme that claims the government lies to its people in some sort of plot to
remain in control. No, let’s leave that kind of thinking to our crazy uncles who live in the woods with
their shotguns constantly staring up at the skies complaining about the satellites tracing their
movement. For you see what I mean by “the truth of reality is that our reality is not always based
upon truth” is that we the people of this world are becoming ever more closed minded and we have
developed a scary tendency to believe whatever we read or hear. We do not question or think about
these things we hear or read we just accept them as truth and reality. People will flock in their
millions to buy a book that some women on a talk show say they read and loved, and no one will
stop and think for one second whether or not this women truly did read this book and even if she
did whether or not she liked it. Some sort of film expert says he thinks a movie has a chance to take
the Oscar. Well he is the expert so naturally the whole world agrees even though most did not even
understand the plot line of the film. If the experts say we should like it, we do. There are so many
things we just accept as truth and we tend to shape our reality around these lies, like certain
religions. So many people will believe what they are told is the truth and that it is wrong to even
question its authenticity. So as a child you are told how to act what to do and all that you need to do
to have a happy life and, if these things don’t help just keep believing and DON’T QUESTION IT!
Don’t get me wrong if you believe in some sort of omnipotent being that hears all your prayers. I am

not saying your beliefs are wrong. What I am saying is at least be open to criticism and don’t just
accept something blindly. Never let another person make your mind up for you! The moment you
lose control over your own thoughts you lose control over your own destiny. And I can truly not
think of worst saddening thing in this world. We humans have been given such magnificent
potential, mentally yet we do not use it. We allow a select few to do all the thinking for us and we
just blindly follow like sheep, whether these people are qualified to make these decisions or not.
There lies an enormous amount of untapped potential out there in this world that has been fooled
into following the decisions of others, all I can hope for is that soon some will awaken to see the kind
of mental talent they possess.

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