Tuesday 7 February 2012

A dedication to a smile

There are certain things in this world you will all no doughtily agree with me that just cannot be satisfactory explained through words or truly be caught on film. Certain moments you just need to experience for yourself. They are most often fleeting in their existence and if we blink we might spend the rest of our lives wondering whether or not what we saw was real. More often than not these splendid moments of magic are so amazing they could be edged in your mind for all eternity yet you will still wonder at their existence. Glorious seconds of pure heaven that seem to speak to something deeper in your soul, something more primal and forgotten by our kind it seems. But this part of us stirs a bit every time when confronted with this majesty. It finds its birth in the simplest of things, like the perfect petals of a flower or the astonishing smile of a beautiful girl.

A smile that that for that fleeting second removes all doubt from your mind that there can be some higher deity out there, because nothing so majestic could come into existence without the hand of God shaping it. For that second in time there is no world outside that moment, there is no enemy powerful enough to conquer you and no hope of failure. It is simply what is described by the ancient Greeks as a muse. A goddess of inspiration that opens the mind to feelings and emotions it never knew it could experience. Feeling that make you feel invincible, like you could move mountains if that was what is required of you to glimpse that smile one more time.  Its addictive beauty is enough to drive a man to the edges of insanity to chase down that smile every single day of his life and find joy in it every time. It never grows old and never pails in beauty; for it is the closest thing this world has ever created to perfect.

Life is a chess game

Life is a challenging opponent and probably the most difficult puzzle we will be expected to solve. But this is easier said than done you will no doubt agree with me. Challenge after challenge will come and we will either shy away from them or meat them head on. Of those we meet some will defeat us but others we will master. I am known for my analogy that life is like an eternal chess game. A tactical dance with an unknown enemy who’s face we can never see. Time after time he will place us in positions where all seems lost, where there seems to be no hope for success. But as we might lose our pawn we will gain a queen. This is life, ups and downs with moments where all seems lost but others where success seems inevitable. The important thing is not to be so caught up with it all that we forget that it is still just a game. And games no matter how tactical are to be enjoyed.
Sure life will have its low moments; this is just normal and human of us. Moments when it seems that the odds are insurmountable, but somehow we always seem to get through them. But I can assure you as frightening as that moment is when all seems lost there is nothing more frightening in this world than that moment when all your dreams seem to be coming true. It is at this point that you realize you now actually have something to lose if you fail and it is too late to turn back. You have already taken the run-up to the edge of the cliff so whether or not you chose to take that leap of faith or not you might fall anyway. But as is always said the greater the risk the greater the reward. There are certain times where we just have to close our eyes and say a quick prayer before we take that leap and hope to the high heavens that we can fly.

Monday 25 July 2011

The truth about reality

Written by: H.O. de Jonge
  Editedby: Dewald Bezuidenhout

The truth about reality is that our reality is not always based upon truth.
A shocking statement to make, I know, but one that is true. Now this is not an article that has some
sort of conspiratorial theme that claims the government lies to its people in some sort of plot to
remain in control. No, let’s leave that kind of thinking to our crazy uncles who live in the woods with
their shotguns constantly staring up at the skies complaining about the satellites tracing their
movement. For you see what I mean by “the truth of reality is that our reality is not always based
upon truth” is that we the people of this world are becoming ever more closed minded and we have
developed a scary tendency to believe whatever we read or hear. We do not question or think about
these things we hear or read we just accept them as truth and reality. People will flock in their
millions to buy a book that some women on a talk show say they read and loved, and no one will
stop and think for one second whether or not this women truly did read this book and even if she
did whether or not she liked it. Some sort of film expert says he thinks a movie has a chance to take
the Oscar. Well he is the expert so naturally the whole world agrees even though most did not even
understand the plot line of the film. If the experts say we should like it, we do. There are so many
things we just accept as truth and we tend to shape our reality around these lies, like certain
religions. So many people will believe what they are told is the truth and that it is wrong to even
question its authenticity. So as a child you are told how to act what to do and all that you need to do
to have a happy life and, if these things don’t help just keep believing and DON’T QUESTION IT!
Don’t get me wrong if you believe in some sort of omnipotent being that hears all your prayers. I am

not saying your beliefs are wrong. What I am saying is at least be open to criticism and don’t just
accept something blindly. Never let another person make your mind up for you! The moment you
lose control over your own thoughts you lose control over your own destiny. And I can truly not
think of worst saddening thing in this world. We humans have been given such magnificent
potential, mentally yet we do not use it. We allow a select few to do all the thinking for us and we
just blindly follow like sheep, whether these people are qualified to make these decisions or not.
There lies an enormous amount of untapped potential out there in this world that has been fooled
into following the decisions of others, all I can hope for is that soon some will awaken to see the kind
of mental talent they possess.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Concept Of Genius

Written by: H.O. de Jonge
  Edited by: Dewald Bezuidenhout

There seems to be a very controversial take on the concept of genius and what actually qualifies a
person for the title of genius. This is a term that has become harder and harder to qualify for over
the years. When we speak of people who were absolutely genius in the past the same names always
crop up in our minds. Albert Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton, very brilliant men to be sure but these
are not the template for genius. If you had to achieve greatness equal to these men we would never
again see any more brilliant men in our time for what they did to contribute to the scientific world.
Everything that is worth discovering has already been done to such an extent that everything we
discover now will pale in comparison. No matter what you do gravity can only be discovered once I
am afraid.
But the standards the ignorant set for the brilliant are not my main concern with today’s people.
What irks me most is the concept that there is only one type of genius, and if you do not aspire to

these criteria you do not qualify. So many people view themselves as fools and idiots because of
these everyday criteria for genius. Was Mozart any less of a genius than Einstein? Was Aristotle a
fool compared to Newton? No they were equally brilliant only in a very different way. Just because
a person is not a human calculator does not mean they are fools or any less of a person. We restrict
the title of genius to those with the highest IQ and not the quality of what they do. It is very simple.
Call a man a genius and he will strive to prove you right as often as possible. Call him a fool and he
will prove you right every time.
We as humans have extraordinary potential, and it is truly my honest believe that there is no person
out there who does not have an inner genius hiding inside. Everyone has the potential for greatness,
very few of us will excel in the same things or at the same rate but we all have the potential to
at least compete for the position of the very best at something. The sad truth about life is that
unfortunately there will always be one person out there who will out do and outperform you. This
can be seen throughout the lifespan of the earth, from ancient Greek mythology with its recurring
theme of the father being over thrown by the son to entire governments being toppled by one rebel
leader with a purpose. We are all capable of greatness. All that is required of us is to stretch out and
grab it, but greatness has always come with a warning attached. He who wants greatness needs to
be sure they are ready to give up all resemblance of a normal life.
So remember dear readers that you have a genius inside you! No matter what anyone else says or
what any test seems to indicate. You have it within yourself. Just go out there and find what makes
you go beyond and stand out of the crowd.

Saturday 16 July 2011

A word of welcome

Written by: H.O. de Jonge
  Edited by: Dewald Bezuidenhout

If there has ever been something we all can agree on, it would be the fact that everyday life is
extremely taxing on our souls and spirits. The strenuous existence we as human beings have created
for ourselves seems to be getting the better of us all, and if we do not find coping mechanisms to
handle this existence we have carved out for ourselves, life will continue to attenuate our fighting
spirit until we no longer have the will to stand and fight. This at least was my experience with life
as we know it, and thus I went in search of my coping mechanism. I found exactly what it was I
have been looking for in writing, the simple pleasure of letting all these chaotic thoughts in my
mind created by day to day living bleed out through the pen onto paper(Or should I say fingers to
keyboard). Now this was an unexpected discovery I must admit, for you see I have always been in
love with reading but never even contemplated to start to writing myself because of my atrocious
spelling. Spelling just seems to be the one skill that has completely eluded me but I finally found
solace in the words of one of the greatest writers of all time “I don’t give a damn for a man that
can only spell a word one way.” Mark Twain. In these words I found the courage to start writing
and I found I enjoyed it immensely, the first time my soul bled out onto that page I felt the joy of a
child again and I even learned a few things about myself I never knew. Now after a few short years
of writing I am finally ready to share my chaotic mind with the world spelling errors and all. I have
embarked on writing a novel that has gotten praise from all those few eyes I have deemed worthy
to read and have impressed a many more with my abstract view of life. Now I wish to share these
views and thoughts with all who are willing to listen. This blog will not be about one singular topic or
theme but about everything that clutters the storm in my skull. Random thoughts and my views on
a particular book or movie perhaps a guest or two will be asked to write a piece in the future. This
blog is basically is a view at the world from a very different angle, an angle I hope some will agree
with. If for some reason you don’t agree, don’t be silent. Make yourselves heard. And to those who
find my writing inspiring perhaps I invite you to add me on Facebook and twitter where more indebt
conversations can be held. This is just the beginning of what I hope to be a very successful venture
into the minds of all who are willing to listen.